
Big Board

01. The Private Eye (-)
02. Thor. God of Thunder
03. Rachel Rising
04. High Crimes
05. Uncanny X-Men
05. Hawkguy
07. Danger Club
07. Saga
08. Daredevil
09. Five Ghosts. The Haunting of Fabian Gray

Bubble: Batman, Ex Sanguine, It Girl! and The Atomics, The Massive, New Avengers, Peter Panzerfaust, Sex, The Walking Dead, Uncanny Avengers



Here I was coming in hearing good stuff and bad stuff ("I like it" and "It's not so great"), which I guess can cancel each other out. So that shouldn't be in a factor in contextualising my experience. What should be is that this is the first time I've seen a James Bond picture in a big screen.

James Bond is different. It's not a superhero movie (the closest thing to action that I've seen in the cinema), or the general blockbuster (a Harry Potter). I guess I want to see the "big" pictures on the big screen some time in the future (either through someone doing a re-release which means I'm living abroad or through a home theatre which means I'm rich which would be pretty great). James Bond has its own formula for success(?).

And it is a formula. Gruff and suave leading man. Some gunplay. Attractive women who can or cannot act, but pretty either way. Some slinky scenes with them. A criminal mastermind with some undefined plot of evil. We open with an action sequence (a textbook climax scene), usually a chase, with the familiar theme. This is followed by the guess artist doing a picture-specific song to some trippy graphics. Then the movie. It's classy.


Touch My Own Leg

I'm not going to tell you anything about the premise except that it's explained to you in a sort of prologue. Let's talk about the merits of the reel instead.

I think it's a very solid science fiction movie in the mould of Source CodeChronicle and The Adjustment BureauIt's a solid production with a solid premise. Nothing incredibly fancy, but more than the usual bore. It's got good actors that don't annoy you and don't chew scenery. The treatment is pretty straight and there are proper scenes to set things up, there's a climax, there's a half-open conclusion.

Things play out more or less as you expect, but there's a hiccup along the way to keep things interesting and add a small wrinkle to the thing. Things like this are hard to talk about because they are, again, pretty solid. They don't knock you off your feet or make you shuffle your feet out of the theatre.