
First of the new

I've read through the whole DC New 52 First Issues, so here are my thoughts now going past three sentences a book. Potential spoilers.

G for Go Pick it up, I command you. 
P for Potential. Didn't really do much, but seems promising enough to merit your time. 
C for Carry On. Unimpressive, didn't like it or hate it. I won't miss it, but I would hold it against you for liking it. 
T for Think. Bland enough to consider dropping. Only when you still have a lot of spare time and you've gone through the Gs, Ps, and Cs. 
D is Drop. Bad book. I don't hate it (I hate few things) but I really didn't like it, or just see reading it as an effort.

The line is a lot of Cs and Ts, and a lot of Ds, but that there are Gs and Ps is a win for me.

Action Comics: C
It's okay. Superman is more of a vigilante-Batman here, so it's pretty new. Never read the main line Superman (only mini series) so I really won't know about any detraction from previous characterizations. Never really cared for Superman, and this didn't make change that.

All-Star Western: T
Dr. Arkham is spewing psychoanalysis which is a total turn-off. Never cared for Jonah Hex and this didn't make me change that. He is unimpressive and so are the characters and the book as a whole.

Animal Man: G
This is the best-received book of the lot so there were expectations. Didn't love the art or the story in hindsight, but a very good introduction (text snippets are both bad and great) and a very good read. It isn't special, but if you only have the cash for one book, get this—easy choice.

Aquaman: C
Pretty boring story and book in general; nothing impressive. In your face stance on Aquaman jokes was nice, but they can't do that all the time (and that'll be bad writing). No potential as it is.

Batgirl: T
Didn't like the art but the villain was interesting. I don't see the draw of Babs over Steph Brown.

Batman: C
Batcave splash pages are always great. Scenes with Dick/Joker are nice but that's pretty much it, the rest of the book bored me. Reveal was interesting, of course, but not enough to get me excited for the next issue.

Batman. The Dark Knight: D
Not a fan of the art and the book is boring/bad as hell. It's also funny how it copies elements of the other Bat-books (party, outbreak scenes with Batman).

Batman and Robin: T
The whole book was generally boring with too much brooding on the part of a terribly sentimental Batman. First and last scenes with the villain and the Russian Batman are good though.

Batwing: G
Best art next to Batwoman, and creates a distinct feel for the Batman...of Africa! Nice story and a nasty, nasty villain. It would be the best of the Ps if it weren't a G.

Batwoman: C
Art is superb but too many splash pages and a bland story. A bunch of scenes with the characters in their normal lives, but it came off as detached and without the all-important human element.

Birds of Prey: T
It didn't make me care for any of the birds or the guy who exploded. Threat is normal evil group with superior tech, I like the Birds' car though.

Blackhawks: D
The thing with a team anything is that I still want to see their individual personae beyond their meshing as a group. 

Blue Beetle: D
Everything was confusing and I didn't see anything from the new Beetle that I would want to read/read about every month.

Captain Atom: D
I like who Captain Atom looks, that's pretty much it. He also now has Firestorm's powers. Didn't hate it, but I don't see why I would want to read it.

Catwoman: D
No threat, Batman prematurely ejaculating, Catwoman looking like Kate Kane when she goes undercover. Fawning over cartoon characters is so Grade Two to me so on the fence on that issue with her oversexualization. It was generally an add on how 'hot' Catwoman is rather than an actual story.

DC Universe Presents. Deadman: D
Lots of exposition. I've never read a Deadman book, and will continue to do so. Didn't hate it, but I don't see why I would want to read it.

Deathstroke: D
Punisher clone, without the human element.

Demon Knights: T
Art's okay, but I'm not fond of medieval books and would prefer Etrigan in a modern setting like JLDark.

Detective Comics: D
Batman beats up the Gotham Police while mentally complaining that they aren't helping the kid in danger (burning building) and that it's up to him to save her (cops save the kid). Batman saying he is Gotham. Batman fanfiction in the worst way imaginable.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E.: P
Has a nice BPRD element to it (or at least what I want BPRD to be: X-Files with metahuman agents, no need for grand stories Mignola). Ponticelli has great art at the first few pages, the containment splash page, and some backgrounds; falters everywhere else. Villarubia colours.

Green Arrow: D
I now hate (previously ambivalent) Green Arrow. Terribly ugly character and full of 'righteousness and good' as if a twelve year old did him. Terribly cardboard plus dose of I'm a hero smugness.

Green Lantern: C
Love the idea of Sinestro as a good guy again (hopefully sticks to it, but unlikely). Presents a good plot opening at the end, Ganthet being suddenly attacked by Guardians is definitely interesting (though admittedly unfounded), and Hal being a bum has-been 'Nam vet character. Almost a P.

Green Lantern: New Guardians: C
Don't love the plot, but it's interesting and presents fight scenes to get excited for. Why am I excited for fight scenes? Kyle Rayner.

Green Lantern Corps: T
Not a fan of either leads and didn't like the art. Villain seems menacing and it's a team with everyone having similar followers. Sort of interesting, almost a C.

Grifter: T
Almost a D if I didn't like the character in WildC.A.T.s television show. The story was more of a prologue, think Ridley Scott's Robin Hood.

Hawk and Dove: D
Rob Liefeld. Story was bland and I didn't like the characters. Rob Liefeld.

I, Vampire: D
Nothing to see here. Plot is too confusing and nothing hooked me.

Justice League: D
T if you're desperate. Might have some potential to be readable, but currently defiles my sensibilities. 

Justice League Dark: P
Almost a C, but would be the best C. Interesting premise, good threat, and good imagery.

Justice League International: T
Miffed over the pass-over on Plastic Man. Nothing special (crazy activists are a hoot), but Booster Gold as sober leader is interesting (making me want to read his transformation in his dropped series). Clunky dialogue.

Legion Lost: D
Who are these kids? Why should I care about them? unanswered questions.

Legion of Super-Heroes: T
Didn't make me excited to read the mythology. Interesting and diverse powers, but weren't put into good use. Little personality.

Men of War: D
I liked the cover except for the dog tags. That's the only thing I liked about the rather pointless story.

Mister Terrific: T
Interesting threat and a play on fanboy jokes much better than than on Aquaman. Michael Holt is much less interesting than how I remember he was on JSA.

Nightwing: T
Threat is able but uninteresting (I think he's the trapeze partner). Book is uninteresting.

People may have heard the reviews and almost thought Dan DiDio was any good. Those were lies.

Red Hood and the Outlaws: D
No problem with Starfire hitting on everyone, but nothing happens in this book besides that. Nice cover art, but this is just like Catwoman in that it's an ad on how 'hot' Starfire is.

Red Lanterns: D
I simply don't care. And I still don't care after reading it. Dragging.

Resurrection Man: P
Art could be better but the book introduces the character very well. Threat isn't very engaging, but the lead and premise will drag you in.

Savage Hawkman: T
One of the best art and a nice threat. But I don't see the pull of reading Hawkman as a lead (no problem with him on a team, as in JSA).

Static Shock: T
Almost a D. Static could be DC's Peter Parker but he has to be a likeable character first, which he isn't doing by talking too much (that's for Deadpool who's at least interesting). Watch the cancelled television show instead.

Stormwatch: T
Not a fan of the art and I thought Midnighter was a good guy. Potentially stronger (firepower) than the JLA but no threat to challenge that firepower.

Suicide Squad: T
Surprisingly bearable and the reveal was obvious a few panels ahead to not seem rushed. But uninteresting to me like the last iteration of the team.

Superboy: D
I like how it links to Teen Titans but that's it. I don't feel the redhead or the lead.

Supergirl: C
Borderline P. Supergirl is actually sexy (plus smart plus interesting) without the creative team forcing it on our throats and I like the set-up. Could actually drop a lot since it could get boring very quickly.

Superman: D
Action Comics is better. I want to know why it's Superman has returned though, what happens that he leaves?

Swamp Thing: C
Almost a P again. I liked some bits but some parts were a bit clunky. Horror element is there, but could be better; potential.

Teen Titans: D
I like how it links to Superboy but that's it. I don't really want to read about kids when Runaways and Umbrella Academy is just there.

The Flash: C
Sufficient, if a bit boring. Some human elements and nice art, but if it's really good remains to be seen.

The Fury of Firestorm. The Nuclear Men: D
Captain Atom has Firestorm's powers. There are now three Firestorms. Consider me confused and angry.

Voodoo: T
Kind of like Species, but that isn't exactly a compliment.

Wonder Woman: C
Leaves us with some questions, plot questions and why the cover art is much better than the interior art (same artist). Could be promising, but not a very good showcase of Diana's abilities.

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